There is a very high probability that you have heard this before. Earlier, I thought that destination is more important than former because we want something and working for it is the best way to get it. The times in which we are working for it has to be painful to get it. Later, after getting a few desired successes, I realized that the happiness it gives is momentary that is sometimes infinitesimally smaller than the time devoted to work for it. So, if the preparation time is not good, then you are going to regret it later.
What does enjoying the journey means?
The word ‘enjoy’ is often misunderstood. People visualize parting, dancing, etc., when they encounter this word. But it is more than that.
You enjoy the journey when you take small breaks during preparation consisting of resting, laughing, pursuing hobbies. More importantly, it lies in appreciating yourself for working smart and hard, even when nobody else did. It also lies in thinking about the upcoming work.
An analogous incident, which might sound funny
I watched web series and became desperate to know what would happen next. I only wanted it to reach the ending and didn’t pay attention to episodes in between Here, the episodes in between are analogous to the journey and the final episode to the ending. It means that I was not enjoying the journey. When I realized this and started watching one by paying attention to all episodes, I liked it more.
Thanks for reading