Logical Fallacies

This topic fascinated me for a long time. I experienced and sadly also became its victim multiple times but didn’t know if it had a name. Many of you must have experienced it.


A logical fallacy is a flaw in reasoning. In other words, it sounds like a considerable fact from the outside but, it isn’t.


It is of many types. Many websites list out 18, some even 31.

But I am going to explain the widely used ten.

Common examples

  • More studying is good. Therefore, studying at all times other than sleeping, eating, and other necessary works is good.
 The above example sounds true, but all evidence is against it, as we know.

  • Mr X wants to manipulate a person to agree on something. He tells the other that: either he is a fool or will do as he says.  
Here the statement given by Mr X is not true as it manifests that the person has only two choices. It forces the person in the background to do as he wants, using a statement that seems like logic at first.

  • A person says that it rains whenever he thinks it’ll. Therefore, it will rain on that day also, as he’s thinking about that. 
Here a mere coincidence is generalized. Thus, the statement is false.

  • Our ancestors followed the Dowry system. So, it must be true. We should also follow it.
The above statement is based on the assumption that our ancestors and the majority are correct. We know that this is not always right.

I know some might seem usual to you. But it’s not the case for everyone. So, many become victims of logical fallacies.

Thank you for reading.