The Compound Effect

know that by seeing the word- compound, the first thing that strikes in your mind is Compound interest. However, this effect is analogous to it also.

According to this, the result of our work varies in the same way as compound interest does with time.

 At first, there is no observable change. That’s why during the initial days of doing work, we feel that we are not getting the results of our hard work. These initial days might last for months and years, depending on many factors. These parameters include the effort we are putting in daily, which itself varies, type of work like studying, touch-typing, learning to play a musical instrument, etc. Also, the results you expect is a crucial parameter. It is because at many times, we have unrealistic expectations, and sometimes we underestimate the consequences. But, overestimation is more common relative to the reverse.

After this starting phase, we notice some improvement, and it increases over time, given that we are working consistently.

This concept solved many of my doubts. Earlier I thought that improvement varies linearly with work. Consequently, I got disappointed and stopped exerting that much effort and worked without jor with less motivation.

A related misunderstanding

It’s true that in the starting phase, we don’t see much improvement, but it’s also the same when we don’t work honestly, but think that we do. Therefore, judge yourself honestly. We all know 
from the inside what we do. Fortunately, we can change our beliefs and deeds. So, do it accordingly.  
Accept that this is the way through which we make improvements.

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